astar (#17) - Explain the variables in the function shortest_path_astar_as_geometry_internal_id_directed (#39) - Message List

Explain the variables in the function shortest_path_astar_as_geometry_internal_id_directed

Dear Mrs/Mr,

I don't understand the variables in the funtion shortest_path_astar_as_geometry_internal_id_directed(geom_table character varying, ids character varying, source integer, delta double precision, dir boolean, rc boolean), can you explain it for me. Thank you very much.

  • Message #151

    Where did you find those variables ids and delta in the function you mention? The function is described as


    geom_table varchar, source int4, target int4, dir boolean, rc boolean )

    (see: routing_postgis.sql)

    "geom_table" is the routing table name, "source" and "target" are start end end vertex, "dir" is true if the graph is directed, "rc" is true if the reverse_cost column will be used for the cost of the traversal of the edge in the opposite direction.