package (#21) - Do I need routing_topology.sql? (#358) - Message List

Do I need routing_topology.sql?

Hello! For have a base with routing implementation on windows, do I must execute routing_core.sql, routing_core_wrappers.sql and routing_topology.sql in my base? Or juste routing_core.sql and routing_core_wrappers.sql?

I have postgresql 8.4 and pgRouting-1.03_pg-8.4.2 I speack about files present in there pgRouting-1.03_pg-8.4.2

ps : I have already placed .dll in the good place and added information in the path also.

Thank :)

  • Message #1483

    If your network data already has a suitable topology information you don't need it. But is there a problem in adding these few functions to your database? Dows it fail?

    • Message #1487

      No it's juste for being sur to not do some mistak I didn't hear nothing aboat this file in all documentation. Although have you got a link for installation documentation with please?

      Thanks :)

      • Message #1489

        I think routing_topology.sql became introduced when cleaning up the SQL wrapper and core scripts. I must agree that probably documentation lacks some updates there.