osm2pgrouting (#24) - (#355) - Message List



I find out a way to import my osm into routing but I can't : every time I have this message :

postgres@Ambition:/home/syphys/osm2pgrouting$ ./osm2pgrouting -file '/home/syphys/France/france.osm' -conf mapconfig.xml -dbname routing -user postgres -clean -host localhost host=localhost user=postgres dbname=routing port=5432 connection failed

My pg_hba.conf : local all postgres trust

Some ideas?


  • Message #1465

    Hello I find out a way to import my osm into routing but I can't : every time I have this message : postgres@Ambition:/home/syphys/osm2pgrouting$ ./osm2pgrouting -file '/home/syphys/France/france.osm' -conf mapconfig.xml -dbname routing -user postgres -clean -host localhost host=localhost user=postgres dbname=routing port=5432 connection failed My pg_hba.conf : local all postgres trust Some ideas? thank

    Edit : If I import with osm2pgsql can I use the Dijkstra algorithm?

  • Message #1466

    Can you connect to your database with user "postgres"? Try just a single command.

    There is no limitation which algorithm you use. osm2pgrouting only imports the data.

    • Message #1469

      Thanks you to respond so quickly

      What do you mean in : "Can you connect to your database with user "postgres"? Try just a single command. "

      I can do this :

      postgres@Ambition:~$ psql -d routage -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/postgis.sql

      or this :

      postgres@Ambition:~$ createdb -U postgres routing

      for example. Is it that's what you mean?

      But if osm2pgrouting only import the data I going to do that with osm2pgsql It's work on my computer.

      Thank you very much!