developer (#13) - All-pairs shortest path (#327) - Message List

All-pairs shortest path


I wonder whether it has been implemented an all-pairs shortest path computation for PgSQL/PostGIS.

Thanks in advance for any information on this issue.

Rodrigo Sperb

  • Message #1363

    Hi Rodrigo,

    I'm sorry to say, but no, it is not yet implemented. I have this feature in my plans, but still had no chance to start it.

    It is not very difficult, because in pgRouting we already use BGL which has a lot of algorithms already implemented, and Floyd–Warshall all-pairs algorithm is among them. So, if you really need it, you can try to implement an interface to BGL's Floyd–Warshall copying one of shortest path algorithms' interface (Dijkstra for example) already implemented in pgRouting. It would be also a great contribution for our community if you or somebody else will do it :)