others (#15) - pgrouting - ssd - performance (#292) - Message List

pgrouting - ssd - performance

First thanks to all contributors for this excellent routing engine. In the last few weeks i started to pĺay around with my new SSD (Solid State Disk) and pgrouting - i really wanted to find out how fast pgrouting can be - and it can be really fast! So I would like to report some of my ideas, solutions and problems:

My Workstation: Ubuntu 8.04 64.Bit i7 Quad Core ~6GB RAM
Disk (used for pgrouting tablespace): Solid State Disk 2,5" S-ATA INTEL X25-E
Dataset: Openstreetmap - Austria (using osm2pgrouting)

I have to admit, that I didn't use any benchmark software or other utilities to analyze the system performance - main reason: I don't know a tool which can be used for that purpose. So I mainly played around with the sql queries and looked how fast they are (postgres provides 'ANALYZE' which helped out a little bit). Also for testing i made a small mapping application unsing Openlayers and a 'google-like' routing handling. The route is computed while dragging the start/endpiont.

By using the SSD it was possible to limit the maximum request latency to ~1 second (using A*) - for short route calculation its much faster of course. At the next step I started to use wrapper functions, which are the key to speed up pgrouting. To reduce the number of vertex's, i applied the assumption, that you usually use the highway or any other road with a high functional road class (FRC) for long routes. For this reason i computed three bounding boxes out of the start point and endpoint geometry:


Bounding box 1 and 3 is computed by applying a buffer to the start/end geometry - it is used to load all classes of roads (e.g class_id IS NOT NULL) Bounding box 2 is computed by applying a buffer to the line connecting start/end geometry - it is used to load only high road classes (e.g. class_id < 107, which are the red an the blue lines). This wrapper function really boosted the performance of my pgrouting application. I have to fix some minor problems in the wrapper function - than I will upload it.

My Results:

Long routes (~1000km) - latency < ~500 ms
Middle routes (~500km) - latency < ~330 ms
short routes (~100 km) - latency < ~120 ms

In the moment I'm focusing on how to speed up the process of displaying your route result with Openlayers - one of my ideas is to use the PostGIS Function "ST_Simplify" to reduce the number of vertex's...

  • Message #1053

    Hi Peter,

    It is great (here I mean REALLY great) to know about your studies. We were thinking about something similar, but it was quite difficult (and very much data-depending) to find connection points of entire network used in smaller buffers and highway network. How you solved this problem?

    And of course your contribution of the wrapper is more than welcomed!

    Thank you!


    • Message #1055

      Hey Anton,

      see the wrapper function below - hopefully it will answer you question. I have to apologize many important parameters are hard coded - i will change that soon.

      CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION routing_smart_calc2(geometry, geometry)
        RETURNS SETOF geometry AS
      		start_vertex_id INTEGER;
      		end_vertex_id INTEGER;
      		start_point ALIAS FOR $1;
      		end_point ALIAS FOR $2;
      		query TEXT;
      		start_bbox TEXT;
      		end_bbox TEXT;
      		h_bbox	TEXT;
      		tmp_rec RECORD;
      		x_delta float;
      		y_delta float;
      		h_delta float;
      			h_delta_x_adapted float;
      			h_delta_y_adapted float;
      			x_y_ratio float;
      		X_1 float;
      		x_2 float;
      		y_1 float;
      		y_2 float;
      		x_delta := 0.07;
      		y_delta := 0.07;
      		h_delta := 0.14;
      		--> Find nearest edge for StartPoint
      		SELECT INTO start_vertex_id * FROM (
      					SELECT target FROM
      					(SELECT target,source,the_geom,ST_Distance(ST_SetSRID(ST_AsText(start_point),4326),the_geom) as distance FROM route_table
      						WHERE ST_DWithin(ST_SetSRID(ST_AsText(start_point),4326), the_geom, 0.04)
      						ORDER BY distance  LIMIT 1) base)t;
      		x_1 := ST_X(start_point);
      		y_1 := ST_Y(start_point);
      		--RAISE NOTICE '%',  start_vertex;
      		--> Compute BBOX f. Start Vertex
      		start_bbox := 'ST_SetSRID(''''BOX3D( ' || x_1 - x_delta || ' ' || y_1 - y_delta || ',' ||
      					 x_1 + x_delta || ' ' || y_1 + y_delta ||')''''::box3d,4326)';
      		--> Find near Vertex for EndPoint
      		SELECT INTO end_vertex_id * FROM (
      					SELECT target FROM
      					(SELECT target,source,the_geom,ST_Distance(ST_SetSRID(ST_AsText(end_point),4326),the_geom) as distance FROM route_table
      						WHERE ST_DWithin(ST_SetSRID(ST_AsText(end_point),4326), the_geom, 0.04)
      						ORDER BY distance  LIMIT 1) base)t;
      		x_2 := ST_X(end_point);
      		y_2 := ST_Y(end_point);
      		--RAISE NOTICE '%',  end_vertex;
      		end_bbox := 'ST_SetSRID(''''BOX3D( ' || x_2 - x_delta || ' ' || y_2 - y_delta || ',' ||
      					 x_2 + x_delta || ' ' || y_2 + y_delta ||')''''::box3d,4326)';
      		/* Calculate BBOX for HighwayNetwork */
      		IF x_1 > x_2 THEN /* Swap horizontal to provide in correct BBOX Format (LL/UR) */
      			x_2 = ST_X(start_point);
      			x_1 = ST_X(end_point);
      		END IF;
      		IF y_1 > y_2 THEN /* Swap vertical to provide in correct BBOX Format (LL/UR) */
      			y_2= ST_Y(start_point);
      			y_1= ST_Y(end_point);
      		END IF;
      		/* Adapt BBOX depending on the x-Width, y-Width ratio */
      		--RAISE NOTICE '% % % %', x_1,y_1,x_2,y_2;
      		x_y_ratio = (x_1-x_2)/(y_1-y_2);
      		h_delta_x_adapted := h_delta;
      		h_delta_y_adapted := h_delta;
      		if x_y_ratio <= 1.0 THEN
      		 h_delta_x_adapted  = h_delta * (1-((x_1-x_2)/(y_1-y_2)));
      		 h_delta_y_adapted  := h_delta * (1-((y_1-y_2)/(x_1-x_2)));
      		END IF;
      		--RAISE NOTICE 'X: %, Y: %', h_delta_x_adapted,h_delta_y_adapted;
      		h_bbox	:= 'ST_SetSRID(''''BOX3D( ' || x_1 - h_delta_x_adapted  || ' ' || y_1 - h_delta_y_adapted  || ',' ||
      					 x_2 + h_delta_x_adapted || ' ' || y_2 + h_delta_y_adapted  ||')''''::box3d,4326)';
      		--RAISE NOTICE '%', start_bbox;
      		--RAISE NOTICE '%', end_bbox;
      		--RAISE NOTICE '%', h_bbox;
      		query := 'SELECT * FROM shortest_path_astar ' ||
      				'(''SELECT gid as id,source,target,to_cost as cost,reverse_cost,x1,x2,y1,y2 FROM route_table ' ||
      				'WHERE (class_id < 108 AND the_geom && ' || h_bbox || ') OR (the_geom && ' || start_bbox || ')OR(the_geom && '|| end_bbox ||')'',' ||
      				 start_vertex_id || ' , ' || end_vertex_id || ', true,true),route_table WHERE edge_id = gid;';
      		--RAISE NOTICE '%',query;
      		FOR tmp_rec IN EXECUTE query
      		RETURN NEXT tmp_rec.the_geom;
      		END LOOP;
        COST 100
        ROWS 100;
      ALTER FUNCTION routing_smart_calc2(geometry, geometry) OWNER TO postgres;

      Just some words to the code. The first two queries are really stupid - the select always the target node of the closest edge. (of course i will improve that)

      		SELECT INTO end_vertex_id * FROM (
      					SELECT target FROM
      					(SELECT target,source,the_geom,ST_Distance(ST_SetSRID(ST_AsText(end_point),4326),the_geom) as distance FROM route_table
      						WHERE ST_DWithin(ST_SetSRID(ST_AsText(end_point),4326), the_geom, 0.04)
      						ORDER BY distance  LIMIT 1) base)t;

      In the next step the bounding box for the start and end node are computed by applying a fixed buffer (x_delta,y_delta). Changing this number has a great impact on performance and the possibility that a route can be found.

      end_bbox := 'ST_SetSRID(''''BOX3D( ' || x_2 - x_delta || ' ' || y_2 - y_delta || ',' ||
      					 x_2 + x_delta || ' ' || y_2 + y_delta ||')''''::box3d,4326)';

      Next the bbox for the line connecting the start and endnode is computed by applying a buffer, but before some minor intelligence is needed: if the end and start have either the same or close lat or lon values (in other words both points lie either on a horizontal or vertical line) the bbox usually gets to thin. So i implemented a small function (just the ratio of the differences between the start and endpoint) to adapt the bbox

      		x_y_ratio = (x_1-x_2)/(y_1-y_2);
      		h_delta_x_adapted := h_delta;
      		h_delta_y_adapted := h_delta;
      		if x_y_ratio <= 1.0 THEN
      		 h_delta_x_adapted  = h_delta * (1-((x_1-x_2)/(y_1-y_2)));
      		 h_delta_y_adapted  := h_delta * (1-((y_1-y_2)/(x_1-x_2)));
      		END IF;

      After all three bounding boxes have been successfully computed, they are used to generate the query:

      		query := 'SELECT * FROM shortest_path_astar ' ||
      				'(''SELECT gid as id,source,target,to_cost as cost,reverse_cost,x1,x2,y1,y2 FROM route_table ' ||
      				'WHERE (class_id < 108 AND the_geom && ' || h_bbox || ') OR (the_geom && ' || start_bbox || ')OR(the_geom && '|| end_bbox ||')'',' ||
      				 start_vertex_id || ' , ' || end_vertex_id || ', true,true),route_table WHERE edge_id = gid;'

      Most important is the WHERE - Clause in the Select Statement for the shortest_path_astar function. It consists out of three elements:

      'WHERE (class_id < 108 AND the_geom && ' || h_bbox || ') OR (the_geom && ' || start_bbox || ')OR(the_geom && '|| end_bbox ||')'

      The first part selects all roads with small class_ids (in my case this are highways, trunks, primary) which are inside the large h_bbox bounding box

      (class_id < 108 AND the_geom && ' || h_bbox || ')

      The second and third element select the edges which are around the computed bounding box for the start and end node

      (the_geom && '|| end_bbox ||')

      Anton, I think you will be disappointed because this function is really stupid - but it worked for me very well. Of course there is a lot of room for improvements, i've already got a lot of ideas. I will report more soon.

      • Message #1057

        Hi Peter,

        OK, I got you idea. It is not really stupid or I have to admit that I was also stupid because some time ago I had similar idea :)

        The problem with some kinds of highways is that you can enter or leave them only using gates or ramps, which makes things more complicated.

        • Message #1059

          Just to give the function or approach I am dealing with a name: it is a very rudimentary way of implementing highway hierarchies. I found a couple of interesting articles concerning highway hierarchies. One very detailed (i haven't read it yet completely) is the PhD Thesis of Mr. Schultes:


          Has someone done some research (regarding the implementation in pgrouting) on Transit-Node Routing,Highway-Node Routing yet? Is Matthias Stumpp in the Google Sommer of Code working on this topics?

          I think I have to read through the pgrouting source code to do some work on this topics.

          • Message #1060

            Yes, I know about this work, but it is based on bi-directional level-avared shortest path algorithm and another algorithm (HH*) which creates a hierarchy of roads.

            We even had short discusion with Dominik. Too bad he is not going to continue his studies :(

            • Message #1124

              nice idea. i had also a similar one :) i played a bit around with your function and have also some ideas to improve it. have you worked on on it ?

              btw: with class_id < 108 , needet roundabouts are missing

              • Message #1126

                Unfortunately I had no chance to work on pgRouting much, but I hope I will have much more time soon.

                class_ids are almost arbitrary, you can change them the way you like.

              • Message #1128

                hey ole, thanks for the hint with the missing roundabout class - i didn't release it. To be honest I haven't worked on it much. Of what kind of improvements do you think?

                My next steps would concern the queries of finding the closest node. I figured out, that using a static buffer can slow down the whole function or lead to empty result sets. So I will/would work on:
                1. improving the "closest node" queries by making them more flexible (first step would be to start with a small buffer an increase it if the result is null). 2. Using the preprocessing function described in the PhD Thesis of Mr. Schultes would be a challenging task - a fellow student of mine is working on that.

                I am exited to hear about your ideas...

                • Message #1147

                  maybe a more intelligent highway boundingbox. like an ellipse or something instead of a rectangle..the box gets too big if the two points are far from another.

                  i also testet the routing on a ssd drive, a huge improvement, but i have still a latency of about 5 seconds for 1000km. what else did you do to reach such small latency ?

                  • Message #1166

                    hey ole - i had the same idea clipping the data with a elliptic "boundingbox", but unfortunately this was much slower than using a rectangular boundingbox. I computed the line between the start and the target vertex and applied a buffer using ST_buffer function - result is polygon...

                    What kind of data are you using, how dense is you graphẞ I used the osm data for Austria - which is not a very dense road network, compared to countries like Germany. Have you tried decreasing the buffer parameters, or changing the function for h_delta_x_adapted/h_delta_y_adapted values.

                    How do you measure the latency, I used the ANALYZE functionality, which does not consider the time to display the data - so really showing the route takes usually twice the time.

                    Apart from that I cant remember doing something special - of course created all the necessary indexes and imported only the data necessary (so now foot ways etc). And I played around with the postgres parameters like shared buffer - but could not measure a great effect.

                    • Message #1178

                      hi!, i measured latency in pgAdminIII, without visualizing the route. iam importing austria too now... i testet it on germany.

                      there is another problem with the code above: http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/2007/routingsmartcalc2proble.png

                      on the right side, a highway is cut. have to expand the bbox.

                      the elliptic bbox cant work anyway if you want to route from south portugal to south italy for example.

                      • Message #1185

                        I came up with another idea - using boundingboxes is´nt the best way if reducing the set of edges. It would be great to preprocess your graph so you know which edges have to be considered for a certain start/end vertex.

                        if you assume that the least sigificant functional road class (c_0) is enclosed by roads of a higher functional road class (c_123), it would be satisfactory to load only the set of edges (c_o[]) which are enlcosed by a higher road class (c_123[]). E.g. residential roads are enclosed by a mix of secondary, secondary_link and tertiary roads. The set of enclosed edges could be found by applying a flooding algorithm.

                        Of course this solutions has some weak spots - errors in the functional classification of roads are critical. For short distance routes this assumption my be not right. But I could imagine that this preprocessing would boost the perormance of pgrouting a lot.. may be I have time figuring it out next month.

                        What do you think of that?

                      • Message #1182

                        hi, you are absolutely right - the current settings have thier disadvantage in clipping away important edges. This is always a question about performance and error rate.

                        One solution would be to calculate another much larger boundingbox for highways only. For Austria I tried loading all highway edges (there are not that much), this solved the problem concerning cutting away important edges, but had also a negative effect on the latency.

                        • Message #1196

                          we have also a concept for a "superway" network.. but not implementet. i think we both are working on the same thing. iam in a research group at the university of applied sciences(htw saarland) are you working privatly with pgrouting ? maybe we can share some work. drop me a line and we can talk german :)
