tsp (#20) - librouting_tsp.dll: missing magic block (#155) - Message List

librouting_tsp.dll: missing magic block


I am trying to run the TSP function. I'm running the postgres 8.2 on windows. I've downloaded the 'pgRouting-1.02_pg-8.2.9.zip' windows binaries.

When creating the routing functions in postgres, the 'routing_core.sql', 'routing_core_wrappers.sql', 'routing_dd.sql', 'routing_dd_wrappers.sql' and 'routing_tsp_wrappers.sql' SQL scripts all run OK, and associated functions are created.

But when I run the 'routing_tsp.sql' script, I get the error,

ERROR: incompatible library "C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/8.2/lib/librouting_tsp.dll": missing magic block SQL state: XX000 Hint: Extension libraries are required to use the PG_MODULE_MAGIC macro.

Any ideas how to fix? Is this a problem with the librouting_tsp.dll build (all other routing functions seem to work OK)?

Many thanks David

  • Message #536

    Hi David,

    Thanks for reporting this. Can you please file a bug?

    • Message #542

      That's not a bug.

      I've forgot to add a line in the build.make from routing.

      I've just fixed todays for PostgreSQL 8.3! I will do it for PG 8.2 a next time!

      Sorry for this!

      • Message #543

        Salut David!

        Thank you very much for compiling a windows version! I hope you don't mind that I set a link on the pgRouting download page after reading your announcement on postgis mailing list.

        • Message #554

          Ok Thanks Anton

          The bug is now fixed for 8.2.9!

          The function could be loaded now :)